Accessible bathrooms for homes
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Gaius Life
- A modern, attractive unit for home environments
- Functionality and safety for all users of all ages
- Furnishings that can be complemented and altered as needed

Gaius Life XL
- A modern, attractive unit for home environments
- Functionality and safety for all users of all ages
- Furnishings that can be complemented and altered as needed

Gaius Senior
- A safe and elegant bathroom for private homes and senior housing
- Furnishings that can be complemented and altered as needed

Gaius Senior XL
- A safe and elegant bathroom for private homes and senior housing
- Furnishings that can be complemented and altered as needed

Gaius Sense
- For the elderly and members of other special groups
- To support independent action, also leaving room for an assistant
- Besides a height-adjustable toilet support rail that can be folded against the wall, support is provided by a rail on the height-adjustable basin unit
- Support rails on different walls and the toilet support rail in front of the toilet seat promote independence when showering